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Man Considers Selling His Home To Cover Dog’s $24K Vet Bills

We all say that we’d do anything for our pets, and most of us truly mean that. The lengths some people go to for their pets is incredible, and this article is about one such story. Jaxon Feeley was in an incredibly dire situation when his dog, Rambo, suffered hypovolemic shock.

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A hypovolemic shock is a dangerous issue when a significant loss of blood or fluid makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood to your body. Not something you’d ever want to deal with, and it’s certainly one of the worst things that could happen to a dog.

Rambo, a Weimaraner, was in a lot of pain. She couldn’t eat and was vomiting 30 times all

Jaxon took her to intensive care, and that’s when another dire situation happened. There, Rambo was getting the care she needed. They tended to her and monitored her condition. Rambo further developed pneumonia and suffered a collapsed lung. It was like things wouldn’t stop for poor Rambo.

The veterinary center had to monitor Rambo every second of every day. They had to pay careful attention to her 24/7. And when those medical bills started piling up, they didn’t

Rambo wasn’t getting better either – at least, not yet. They needed to drain fluid from one of her lungs and there was a possibility that an abscess could have formed in one of them. If the vets’ concerns turned out to be right about Rambo having an abscess in her lungs, then that would be life-threatening.

Jaxon was devastated at the news, but would not give up hope for his baby girl. He had no clue how he’d pay for all of this right now, but Rambo’s life was the more important matter.

“I could never forgive myself if I couldn’t give her the best fighting chance to pull through this horrendous situation.” – he said

Intensive care is no joke. Insurance covered Rambo for up to £6,500, but the bill went far above that at £11,500. A single day in the intensive care unit costs around £1,000 a day. And you wonder why the NHS means so much to people in the U.K.

Jaxon was so worried that he slept in his car to be nearby at all times. He even thought of selling his house to pay for it all.

Saying he was “worried sick” would be an understatement.

Rambo had not eaten in a week and was still in intensive care. The past several days were a nightmare for poor Rambo and Jaxon was doing everything he could. He started a fundraiser as his last hope, and it was the right call. People wanted to help the precious Weimaraner get better.

The fundraiser far exceeded what Jaxon needed, and Rambo slowly got better.

So this story does have a happy ending!

We all say that we’d do anything for our pets, and most of us truly mean that. The lengths some people go to for their pets is incredible, and this article is about one such story. Jaxon Feeley was in an incredibly dire situation when his dog, Rambo, suffered hypovolemic shock.

A hypovolemic shock is a dangerous issue when a significant loss of blood or fluid makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood to your body. Not something you’d ever want to deal with, and it’s certainly one of the worst things that could happen to a dog. Rambo, a Weimaraner, was in a lot of pain. She couldn’t eat and was vomiting 30 times all through the night.

Rambo developed it beside gastroenteritis too. Poor girl.

Jaxon took her to intensive care, and that’s when another dire situation happened.

There, Rambo was getting the care she needed. They tended to her and monitored her condition.

Rambo further developed pneumonia and suffered a collapsed lung. It was like things wouldn’t stop for poor Rambo. Naturally, Jaxon was heartbroken and terrified. Rambo was his baby girl and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her.

The veterinary center had to monitor Rambo every second of every day. They had to pay careful attention to her 24/7.

And when those medical bills started piling up, they didn’t stop. Rambo wasn’t getting better either – at least, not yet. They needed to drain fluid from one of her lungs and there was a possibility that an abscess could have formed in one of them. If the vets’ concerns turned out to be right about Rambo having an abscess in her lungs, then that would be life-threatening.

Jaxon was devastated at the news, but would not give up hope for his baby girl. He had no clue how he’d pay for all of this right now, but Rambo’s life was the more important matter. “I could never forgive myself if I couldn’t give her the best fighting chance to pull through this horrendous situation.” – he said. Intensive care is no joke. Insurance covered Rambo for up to £6,500, but the bill went far above that at £11,500.

A single day in the intensive care unit costs around £1,000 a day. And you wonder why the NHS means so much to people in the U.K.

Jaxon was so worried that he slept in his car to be nearby at all times. He even thought of selling his house to pay for it all.

Saying he was “worried sick” would be an understatement.

Rambo had not eaten in a week and was still in intensive care. The past several days were a nightmare for poor Rambo and Jaxon was doing everything he could. He started a fundraiser as his last hope, and it was the right call. People wanted to help the precious Weimaraner get better.

The fundraiser far exceeded what Jaxon needed, and Rambo slowly got better.

So this story does have a happy ending!

“Over the last 3 days, Rambo has pulled off a miracle, hour by hour she has increased her oxygen efficiency, started eating and drinking, her lungs are slowly recovering and we started to see that beautiful little personality resurface.” Jaxon wrote as an update The precious Weimaraner was able to go home with Jaxon, and he didn’t have to sell his home after all.

Jaxon was grateful to all the people who donated. It saved not just Rambo’s life, but his life too.


